List of Wonder Woman enemies

"Termite Queen" links here. For information on queens of the termite species, see Termite Queen.

This is a list of fictional characters from DC Comics who are or have been enemies of Wonder Woman.


Central rogues' gallery

In alphabetical order (with issue and date of first appearance)

Villain First appearance Description
Angle Man Wonder Woman #62 (November/December 1953) Originally a clever schemer who 'knew all the angles,' the updated Angle Man possesses an object known as an Angler which can alter objects and locations according to the holder's wishes, sometimes defying gravity or through teleportation.
Ares Wonder Woman #1 (Summer 1942) Ares, referred to by the Roman name Mars for most of the pre-Crisis period, is the god of war and son of the Greek god Zeus.
Baroness von Gunther Sensation Comics #4 (April, 1942) Wonder Woman's first recurring arch-nemesis, a ruthless Nazi spymaster, evil scientist, and femme fatale. Blackmailed into serving the Nazis because they held her daughter prisoner, she changed sides after Wonder Woman rescued her daughter, Gerta, and joined the Amazons as their chief scientist.
Blue Snowman Sensation Comics #59 (September 1946) Byrna Brilyant, a small town school-teacher and scientist who disguised herself as a man called "The Snowman," using a telescopic snow ray to create and reverse blue snow, which paralyzed victims, and an army of robots attuned to her brainwaves. She later joined the first Villainy, Inc. as they attempted to take over Paradise Island.
Cheetah Wonder Woman #6 (October 1943) The original Cheetah, Priscilla Rich, was a beautiful dancer and philanthropist who developed an odd sort of split personality when she felt overshadowed by Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman #274 (December 1980) A second pre-Crisis Cheetah, Debbi Domaine, the niece of the original, was an ecologist, she was kidnapped, brainwashed into a feral ecoterrorist, and trained in unarmed combat by Kobra. Post-Crisis, Debbi never became the Cheetah.
Wonder Woman (vol. 2) #7 (August 1987) (as Barbara Minerva); #8 (as Cheetah) The current Cheetah, Barbara Minerva, is a former archeologist and treasure-hunter who sold her soul to the plant-god Urtzkartaga for power and immortality, not realizing she'd be bound in eternal servitude to him.
Wonder Woman (vol. 2) #171 (August 2001) Minerva briefly lost her power to Argentine businessman Sebastian Ballesteros, who became Circe's consort and funded the transformation of Vanessa Kapatelis into the Silver Swan. He lost the Cheetah power in a deadly battle with Minerva and was later found slain by Minerva after having abducted Kapatelis and again transformed her into the Silver Swan.
Circe Wonder Woman #37 (Sept/Oct 1949) Circe is based on the Greek mythological character of the same name. A witch and sorceress of vast power, specializing in illusion and transformation spells, Circe was originally a minor villain but post-Crisis has become one of Wonder Woman's most formidable foes and even triggered a War of the Gods.
Dark Angel Wonder Woman vol. 2, #131 (March 1998) Dark Angel is the spirit of an ancient demon summoned forth by the German Nazi Baroness Paula von Gunther during World War II. Finding an enemy in Wonder Woman's mother Queen Hippolyta, the two battled on several occasions. Seeking revenge, Dark Angel secretly transported herself onto Themyscira and kidnapped Hippolyta's daughter Donna Troy, mistaking her for Diana. She placed Donna in suspended animation until rescued years later by the now adult Diana as Wonder Woman.
Devastation Wonder Woman vol. 2, #143 (April 1999) The titan known as Cronus created Devastation much the same way Wonder Woman was created: by having life breathed into a clay female figure. With his Titan children each blessing her with dark gifts, she is Cronus' champion who he hopes will defeat Olympus' champion: Wonder Woman. With almost the same powers, this demi-goddess is almost an exact copy of Wonder Woman, save for the dark twist behind her powers.
Doctor Cyber Wonder Woman #179 (November–December 1968) A female criminal mastermind and head of an international crime syndicate, Doctor Cyber was Wonder Woman's arch-nemesis during a period when she had given up her Amazon powers and become a white-costumed karate expert. During an early battle, Cyber's face was horribly burned. Vowing revenge for her ruined beauty, she became obsessed with having Wonder Woman's face removed and surgically grafted on her own. She also teamed up with Batman foe Doctor Moon in this period.
Doctor Poison Sensation Comics #2 (February 1942) Princess Maru became Doctor Poison who, disguising her gender via a bulky hooded costume and mask, was the leader of a Nazi spy ring whose ultimate goal was to wreak havoc by contaminating the army's water with "reverso," a drug which would cause people to do the opposite of what they are told.
Wonder Woman, vol. 2, #151 (December 1999) In recent years, an unnamed grandchild of the original Doctor Poison appears in league with Devastation, Villainy Inc., and the Secret Society of Super Villains. Having used herself as a subject for bio-chemical experiments, she's developed the ability to secrete various toxins and chemicals.
Doctor Psycho Wonder Woman #5 (June–July 1943) Ridiculed as a child for his small stature and strange appearance, Doctor Psycho grew up to be highly sexist and misogynist. Formerly a brilliant student, he went mad and turned to crime after being framed for a crime by a rival who stole the only girl he ever loved. A little person with telepathic and psychic powers, he was originally intended to be an archetypical mad scientist and spirit medium, but that image was dropped post-Crisis. He is one of Wonder Woman's most deadly foes.
Duke of Deception Wonder Woman #2 (Fall 1942) A servant of the evil god Mars from his base on the planet Mars, he embodied deceit, confusion, and treachery, using his godlike powers of illusion, shape-shifting, and influencing minds to further the cause of war. One of Wonder Woman's most persistent foes, he plagued her throughout the Golden, Silver, and Bronze Ages.
Genocide Wonder Woman vol. 3, #26 (November 2008) Created by the Secret Society of Super Villains, Genocide was formed using soil samples taken from various locations on Earth where genocide took place and magically adding them to Wonder Woman's future dead corpse.
Giganta Wonder Woman #9 (June 1944) Giganta was originally a gorilla who was super-evolved by Professor Zool. Her modern day version is Doctor Doris Zuel, a medical doctor suffering from a fatal disease who hoped to transfer her life essence into Wonder Woman. When Wonder Girl foiled her attempt, her essence was placed into a gorilla. She then transferred her essence into Olga, a circus strong-woman. Post-Crisis she has the power to grow to gigantic size.
Maxwell Lord Justice League #1 (May 1987) An evil businessman with mind control powers. During the Infinite Crisis, he manipulated Superman to attack Batman and Wonder Woman; she found that the only way to stop him was to kill him and snapped his neck, causing her to become wanted. Recently, during Blackest Night, he came back to life as a zombie, whose only goal is to get revenge on Wonder Woman.
Queen Clea Wonder Woman #8 (March 1944) Cruel ruler of the Atlantean city of Venturia, where women were large and powerful and men were stunted, weak, and servile, Queen Clea often forced her subjects to battle in gladiatorial combat. Wanting to take over all of Atlantis she eventually stole the Trident of Poseidon to make herself supremely powerful. She was stopped by Wonder Woman and later joined Villainy Inc. in an attempt at revenge.
Silver Swan Wonder Woman #288 (February 1982) Pre-Crisis, Helen Alexandros was a homely ballerina passed up for roles until she struck a bargain with her ancestor, the war-god Mars: power and beauty in exchange for killing Wonder Woman. She had great strength, the ability to fly, and a powerful sonic scream.
Wonder Woman vol. 2, #15 (April 1988) Post-Crisis, Valerie Beaudry was deformed by her parents' exposure to radiation but had nascent abilities to control sound. Industrialist Henry Armbruster seduced and even married her to convince her to submit to experiments that enhanced her sonic powers and transformed her into a beautiful woman. However, she remained insecure and emotionally dominated by Armbruster, who used her as a weapon against Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman vol. 2, #171 (August 2001) A third Silver Swan, Vanessa Kapatelis, was actually a longtime friend of Wonder Woman, kidnapped by Circe, Doctor Psycho, and others, brainwashed into hating her former idol, and turned into a murderous cyborg.
Veronica Cale Wonder Woman vol. 2, #196 (November 2003) Scientific genius and part owner of Cale-Anderson Pharmaceuticals, Veronica Cale has made it her goal to destroy Wonder Woman. Her reasoning is that Wonder Woman was handed many privileges in life whereas Veronica had to work hard for everything she's accomplished. Along the way she's worked with other enemies of Wonder Woman such as Doctor Psycho and Circe.
White Magician Wonder Woman Annual vol. 2, #3 (September 1989) The sorcerer Thomas Asquith Randolph made a pact with a demon in order to acquire more magical power as his previous magic began to wane with age. During his climb to power he became stunted in his rise several times by both Wonder Woman and her fellow Amazon sister Artemis. Wonder Woman was finally able to destroy the evil wizard-turned-demon but at the cost of Artemis' life.

Foes of lesser renown

In chronological order (with issue and date of first appearance), separated by those with multiple appearances and those that appeared in only one issue or story.

Multiple appearances

Golden Age
Villain First appearance Description
Lord Conquest Wonder Woman #2 (September 1942) Also known as the Count of Conquest, he was one of Mars' main lieutenants.
Earl of Greed Wonder Woman #2 (September 1942) One of Mars' main lieutenants, he managed to manipulate power-hungry men with hopes of greed and selfishness.
Blakfu Wonder Woman #4 (April–May 1943) The king of a race of underground cave-dwellers that resemble moles.
Mavis Wonder Woman #4 (April–May 1943) A slave of Baroness Paula Von Gunther, she seized control of Paula's Nazi spy operation after Von Gunther's reformation. Cunning, deadly, and determined to take revenge on both Paula and Wonder Woman, she stole the invisible plane and used it for aerial sabotage, kidnapped Paula's daughter Gerta, strapped Wonder Woman to a bomb, and later escaped Reformation Island.
Zara Comic Cavalcade #5 (December 1943) Leader of the Cult of the Crimson Flame, Zara is a skilled pyrotechnics expert which she uses in her hatred for mankind. Zara was sold into slavery as a child and was witness to many horrors in her lifetime. After her cult was defeated by Wonder Woman she joined Villainy Inc. and sought revenge.
Eviless Wonder Woman #10 (Fall 1944) Hailing from planet Saturn, Eviless was a slave driver who tried to invade Earth with fellow Saturnian Duke Mephisto Saturno. Sent to Transformation Island for rehabilitation, she later formed the first incarnation of Villainy Inc..
Hypnota Wonder Woman #11 (Winter 1944-1945) A stage magician who disguised herself as a man, Hypnota was accidentally shot in the head during a rehearsal for her stage show. Treating the gunshot wound with an experimental surgery saved her life, but also gave her the ability to use "Blue Electric Rays of Dominance" emanating from her "Mid-Brain". Using this new power for crime, she enslaved her sister, the weak-willed Serva, and used her as a pawn while selling hypnotized captives to the Saturn slave traders. She later became a member of Villainy Inc.
Draska Nishki Sensation Comics #42 (April 1945) Crafty spy-for-hire and extortionist who also attempted to escape trial by binding Wonder Woman in her own magic lasso. Appeared in both Golden and Silver Age.
Gundra the Valkyrie Comic Cavalcade #17 (October 1946) A Nazi Valkyrie who Wonder Woman battled in order to retrieve Steve Trevor from Valhalla.
Queen Atomia Wonder Woman #21 (January/February 1947) Queen of a subatomic universe who attempted to take over the world.
The Mask Wonder Woman #24 (July/August 1947) Nina Close, frail and oppressed wife of a billionaire industrialist, developed a split personality patterned after bold explorer Fancy Framer and went on an insane rampage to extort millions from her husband and the U.S. government. She stole Wonder Woman's invisible plane and trapped people in S/M-style masks that would release poisonous hydro-cyano gas if removed improperly.
Minister Blizzard Wonder Woman #29 (March 1948) Prime Minister to the hidden kingdom of Iceberg Land, inhabited by cold-loving "snow people" and ruled by the kind-hearted Princess Snowina Minister Blizzard used various devices to freeze both items and people and plotted to seize control of the kingdom and take over the world. Post-Crisis, he is a radical environmentalist bent on invoking another Ice Age.
Inventa Wonder Woman #33 (January 1949) A brilliant genius who plotted to take over Paradise Island. With her henchwoman Torcha, she forced Wonder Woman to complete her impossible trials, but was defeated.
Nuclear Wonder Woman #43 (September/October 1950) A dissolute heir who had his name changed legally to match his gossip column moniker "Percy Playboy," Nuclear created machinery in an underground lair that empowered him to seize Navy ships magnetically. His first published appearance referred to a previously unpublished adventure, which was later told in All-Star Squadron #16.
Silver Age
Villain First appearance Description
Professor Menace Wonder Woman #111 (January 1960) Evil scientist who creates super strong robot duplicate of Wonder Woman controlled by his brain impulses; later aids several JLA rogues in creating explosive robots (JLA #5), but is captured by Green Arrow with the other members.
Mouse Man Wonder Woman #141 (October 1963) One of Wonder Woman's more bizarre villains. Permanently reduced to a height of about six inches through chemical experiments, Mouse Man used his small size and his ability to control mice and vermin to stage elaborate crimes.
Egg Fu Wonder Woman #157 (October 1965) A large Communist Egg who has recently reappeared working with Superman's enemy: Bruno Mannheim. A Wonder Woman enemy from the Silver Age, he controlled large armies to try to destroy the American way of life and seek power and conquest. Pre-Crisis he used his moustaches as weapons.
Bronze Age
Villain First appearance Description
Morgana Wonder Woman #186 (February 1970) The daughter of sorceress Morgaine le Fey, accidentally summoned by teenagers dabbling in black magic. More mischievous and temperamental than evil, Morgana used her magic to create chaos before Diana's friend I Ching banished her back to her own world.
Lu Shan Wonder Woman #187 (April 1970) The daughter of Diana Prince's mentor I Ching, Lu Shan believed he was responsible for her mother's death. Lu Shan served Doctor Cyber's plot to build "earthquakers" that would level Hong Kong as a demonstration of power to blackmail the world.
Red Panzer Wonder Woman #228 (February 1977) Nazi Helmut Streicher donned body armor and fought Wonder Woman during World War II. The armor survived the War and has been worn by three modern successors of Streicher, including one who became a foe of Troia.
Osira Wonder Woman #231 (May 1977) An alien, Osira crash landed in ancient Egypt centuries ago and attempted to bring peace to the planet, using her vast telepathic powers to dominate mankind. After a time, some of the locals succeeded in trapping her in a pyramid in Egypt for many centuries but she was accidentally freed in modern times. She attempted to reestablish her control over the world but was stopped by Wonder Woman.
Armageddon Wonder Woman #234 (August 1977) A Nazi mastermind who used advanced technology, such as boots that enabled him to stomp powerful vibrations and a toxin that turned men into mindless ogres he called Muutorrs. Post-Crisis, fought Hippolyta as Wonder Woman and Diana, who had traveled back in time and disguised herself as Miss America.
Baron Blitzkrieg World's Finest #246 (August/September 1977) Baron Blitzkrieg was originally an especially vicious German army officer who was blinded when a concentration camp prisoner threw acid in his face. German scientists experimented on Blitzkrieg, giving him superhuman strength, optical energy beams, and the ability to fly. However, each of these abilities were manifested one at a time; only with training was he able to incorporate them together.
Kung Wonder Woman #237 (November 1977) A martial arts master with the ability to transform into animals, Kung was an assassin in the service of WWII Japan. Wonder Woman thwarted his attempt to kill Eisenhower.
Sumo All-New Collectors Edition: Superman v. Wonder Woman (1978) Trained from childhood at the school of ancient Samurai, the young man who would become Sumo was the only one chosen to sip the sacred potion of power, composed of special herbs and forbidden roots, which in one year caused him to grow to giant size and made him stronger, more agile, and faster, with superhuman control of his physical senses.
Astarte, Empress of the Silver Snake Wonder Woman #252 (February 1979) Menacing space villain who turned out to be the restless spirit of Hippolyta's sister Diana, for whom Wonder Woman was named, who could not pass over into the realm of the dead until she acknowledged her death.
Wonder Woman (vol. 3) #42 (May 2010) An Amazon kidnapped and driven insane by a nomadic alien nation called The Citizenry, Astarte became their leader and supervised their development of highly advanced technology, including radical genetic modification tools that turned selected members of the Citizenry (including Astarte's daughter Theana) into superhuman warriors, as they plundered planets for natural resources.
Captain Wonder Wonder Woman #289 (March 1982) Doctor Psycho's sinister creation from Steve Trevor's mind. Built out of Ectoplasm from the spirit world, Doctor Psycho inhabits this body in order to combat Wonder Woman.
Aegeus Wonder Woman #297 (November 1982) Leader of cell of Greek terrorists, Nikos Aegeus was granted enhanced strength, mystical lightning that can destroy or teleport, and winged steed Pegasus by Bellerophon in order to destroy the Amazons. He later picked up the daggers of Vulcan, which could slice through even Wonder Woman's bracelets.
The Ytirflirks Wonder Woman #311 (January 1984) A race of giant aliens who used another race as their mechanics and slaves. Their slaves escaped and crash-landed in Siberia and became known in legend as Gremlins for stealing equipment from aircraft.
Tezcatlipoca Wonder Woman #313 (March 1984) The Aztec trickster god was first the unseen consort of Circe who then betrayed the sorceress. Creating unrest in the fictional country Tropidor, Tezcatlipoca was also responsible for enslaving a lost tribe of Amazons.
Villain First appearance Description
Deimos Wonder Woman vol. 2, #2 (March 1987) Deimos is the God of Dread and the son of Ares and Aphrodite. He planned to ignite a war between the United States and the Soviet Union, though his plans were thwarted by Wonder Woman.
Phobos Wonder Woman vol. 2, #2 (March 1987) The God of Fear and the son of Ares and Aphrodite.
Decay Wonder Woman vol. 2, #3 (April 1987) Using the remains of the dead gorgon Medusa, Phobos created Decay as an adversary to Wonder Woman. Possessing the power to physically destroy any substance she touches, Decay attempted to destroy the Lasso of Truth but was destroyed in the process.
Cottus Wonder Woman vol. 2, #10 (November 1987) One of the Hekatoncheires, the Cottus resided within Paradise Island, deep within Doom's Doorway. He was encountered by Steve Trevor's mother, Diana Trevor, who became a hero among the Amazons for shooting the beast and wounding it.
Hades Wonder Woman vol. 2, #12 (January 1988) The God of the Underworld, he has fought against Wonder Woman on numerous occasions. The most recent involved Hades losing the Underworld to his nephew, Ares.
Shim'Tar Wonder Woman vol. 2, #33 (August 1989) There have been several champions of the Bana-Mighdall tribe of Amazons named Shim'Tar. The first of them was a mysterious woman that was used by wearing armor empowered by the Golden Girdle of Gaea to take over Bana-Mighdall, seemingly as a tool of Faruka, and slay Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman stopped her by taking away the girdle, after which Shim'Tar seemingly died in a massive explosion. Later, a magically controlled Hippolyta was transformed in a second Shim'tar during War of the Gods being subsequently saved by her daughter. The identity of the first Shim'tar remains unknown to this day.
Eris Wonder Woman vol. 2, #37 (December 1989) The Goddess of Discord and one of the Children of Ares. She used the Golden Apples of Discord to cause chaos in the United Nations. She was eventually slain by the Son of Vulcan, though she was revived at one point by her brother Phobos and possessed the body of Poison Ivy.
Moot and Geof Wonder Woman vol. 2, #72 (March 1993) Moot is a thief, assassin, and enforcer for Ares Buchanan’s mob operation who uses a deadly blade she calls her “Moot Point” and an android named Geof.
Antonio Sazia Wonder Woman vol. 2, #73 (April 1993) Mid-level mafioso who briefly wielded a “stasis field mask” device that allowed him to become a flying, fire-breathing demon.
Dickie Loper Wonder Woman vol. 2, #74 (May 1993) Crack-head who obtained highly advanced gun technology.
Warmaster Wonder Woman vol. 2, #77 (August 1993) Aristotle Buchanan was an indecisive loser with a small-stakes black market business until he was merged into the spirit of Ares and became the powerful Ares Buchanan, the Warmaster, intent on inspiring war by flooding the city with deadly advanced technology pilfered from the defects and rejects of STAR Labs.
Mayfly Wonder Woman vol. 2, #78 (September 1993) Hemophiliac assassin who was faster than the Flash.
Paulie Longo Wonder Woman vol. 2, #85 (April 1994) Antonio Sazia’s successor, who ran his mob operation in concert with the White Magician.
Julianna Sazia Wonder Woman #87 (June 1994) Widow who took over a Boston mob family upon the death of her husband, hired the Cheetah, and engaged with both Artemis and Diana in a course of epic struggle with a rival mob family.
Medusa Wonder Woman vol. 2 #92 (December 1994) A legendary Gorgon from Greek Mythology with the ability to turn anyone who looks into her eyes to stone. She was killed by Wonder Woman, but resurrected by her sisters, Euryale and Stheno, only to be killed once again by the Amazon.
Queen of Fables JLA #47 (November 2000) A sorceress from another dimension who has consistently plagued Wonder Woman.
Cyborgirl Wonder Woman vol. 2, #179 (May 2002) After destroying her body by taking the drug known as "Tar", LeTonya Charles is given cybernetic implants by her aunt Sarah Charles, who maintains the cybernetic components of the super-hero Cyborg. However, instead of using her new gained abilities for good, she has decided to serve her own selfish desires and has become a villain, coming into conflict with Wonder Woman.
Alkyone Wonder Woman vol. 3, #14 (January 2008) A renegade Amazon that believed the birth of Diana would mean the end of the Amazons.
The Dark Man Wonder Woman #601 (September 2010) A sadistic minion of The Morrigan who had once been a government agent. He was burnt to near death, but was saved by The Morrigan in exchange for his servitude. He slaughtered the Amazons of Themyscira, including Queen Hippolyta. Later, during a battle with Wonder Woman, Hippolyta returned and took her revenge on the Dark Man, carrying him back into the flames with her.
Cernunnos Wonder Woman #604 (December 2010) An agent of the Dark Man who had tried to report back to The Morrigan, but was turned to stone by Medusa's head. He, along with his partner, was transformed by Anann, one of the Morrigan. He became a centaur and attacked Wonder Woman, managing to spear her through the shoulder.
Minotaur Wonder Woman #604 (December 2010) An agent of the Dark Man who had tried to report back to The Morrigan along with Cernunnos. He was transformed into a minotaur by Anann.


Golden Age
Villain First appearance Description
Prince Del Slimo Sensation comics #8 The greedy fiancee of the wealthy Gloria Bullfinch, owner of Bullfinch stores, he attempted to blow up the department store to cover up for stealing money from the safe. His men were told to go after Diana, who had become Wonder Woman. The ycoshed her from behind, bound and gagged her, and placed her in a trunk. She was taken to him, ungagged and partially released so she could stand up, and he realised who she was. She was then placed in the safe with a bomb. Steve had already been tied up and placed in there. Wonder Woman broke her bonds, stopped the bomb, broke out of the safe, and exposed Del Slimo.
Pepita Valdez Wonder Woman #1 (Summer 1942) Compelled to act as a spy for the Axis because a Japanese general was holding her father in Mexico, Pepita seduced Etta Candy's brother Mint after he injured himself and used drugged cigarettes to force him to unwittingly reveal military secrets for the Japanese, who were planning to invade Mexico.
Duke Dalgan Sensation Comics #26 Leader of a group of international racketeers seeking to steal Plan 48, the official plan for diposition of all U.S. air and sea forces.
Doctor Cue / Agent X Sensation Comics #9 (September 1942) Japanese Col. Togo Ku, chief of Japanese spies in America, wore a full face mask as Dr. Cue, who kidnapped women (including Diana Prince White) for use in an underground "hospital" of horrors where he tested biological weapons, and also disguised himself as the female "Agent X" in a scheme to obtain a disintegrating gas developed by Dan White, husband of the real Diana Prince.
The Masked Menace Sensation Comics #16 (April 1943) Axis agent Karl Schultz, using the alias Prince Hylo Goulash of Hungary, became Etta's fiance and worked with Japanese saboteurs and Italian agents disguised as Mexican ranch hands to commit sabotage in the Southwest, in particular to destroy the oil fields connected to the Bar-L Ranch owned by Etta Candy's father, Hard Candy.
Princess Yasmini Sensation Comics #17 (June 1943) Royalty from India who operates a Nazi spy ring and broadcasts from a Cape Cod radio station and uses pet lions, Thuggee assassins, and poison in her evil schemes.
Big Ike McGlone Sensation Comics #28 Wonder Woman ina t own makes the Mayor jealous, 'forming a green imp of jealousy.' He gets the help of a corrupt police officer to stop Wonder Woman. They decide to use Big Ike, a convict Wonder Woman wanted rehabilitated. He captures her using her lasso and blindfold her. He feeds her himself as he doesn't want her free at all. She is used to steal the $1,000,000,000 she got ot the bank in bonds. She is then taken to a remote area which is set on fire. She uses mental communication to get the Holiday Girls to help her. She frees herself and removes the tape covering her eyes. Ike is defeated with the Policeman, and the Mayor says he will stop being so jealous of Wonder Woman.
American Adolph Sensation Comics #21 (September 1943) Inspired by the example of Adolf Hitler, the American Adolph penned a prison manifesto My War Against Society, in which he detailed his plot to organize a massive criminal network nation-within-the-nation. Master of disguise; superb athlete; cunning planner; charismatic leader.
Danny "the Demon" The Big All-American Comic Book #1 (1944) Murderous thug who killed Gen. Courtney, framed Steve Trevor for the crime, and then hid in a circus after killing Dipsy the Clown and assuming his identity.
Professor Frenzo Sensation Comics #80 A ruthless villain who succeeds in capturing a group of the Holiday girls, binding and gagging them and using them to trap Wonder Woman. She is chained losing her powers, and nearly killed along with the hostages when cement is poured into the room, but Steve is able to save her and she then frees the Holiday Girls from the cement.
Anton Unreal Sensation Comics #30 (June 1944) Anton Unreal led a cult that brainwashed rich young adults into handing over their funds to become Blue Spirit Masters of the 4th Dimension. Used a device to trap Steve Trevor's body in the 4th dimension, leaving him an insubstantial thought form in this dimension.
Sontag Henya Sensation Comics #35 (November 1944) Leader of anarchist movement in Atlantean nation of Venturia, exploiting the history of mistreatment at the hands of Queen Clea and a subsequent rebellion against the kind-hearted Queen Octavia.
King Neptune Comic Cavalcade #9 (Winter 1944) Another female villain who disguised herself as a man, King Neptune was really Leona Masters, Olympic swimmer known in the press as "Mermaid Queen" until forced off the team for breaking training rules. Using the drug Nepenthe for brainwashing and memory wiping, a trident that sends out electric flashes, a submarine, and a squadron of "mermaids," she rana piracy operation from her undersea cave in the Equator.
The Great Blue Father Comic Cavalcade #10 (Spring 1945) Biologist Dr. Protus Plasm disguises himself as the Great Blue Father, leader of a cult "family" using his "moron hormone," a chemical that makes people childlike.
Third World War Promoters Wonder Woman #12 (Spring 1945) Network of munitions manufacturers and industrialists across the world who operated from a headquarters in a secret sub-basement in the building next to military intelligence HQ. Planted spy Nerva as Steve Trevor's secretary. Crafty Velma Boswell, wife and business partner of Bird Boswell, escaped the Promoters' imprisonment on Venus and rounded up other members of the network for an attempted takeover of Venus. (Full-length tale scripted by Joyce Murchison.)
Gentleman Killer Wonder Woman #14 (Fall 1945) Rudolph Hessenpfeffer, the Gentleman Killer, was a debonair, charming, and ruthless killer and spy.
Dalma Comic Cavalcade #12 (Fall 1945) A rebellious Amazon who left Paradise Island to travel to Man's World on her own. Without her bracelets intact, she lost her intelligence and became an angry brute. Wonder Woman defeated her and restored her Amazonian spirit.
Prof. Toxino Sensation Comics #52 (April 1946) Dejected scientist who used cross-breeding to create the red winged fly, one bite from which would cause a psychotic break, for which he also created the sole antidote, anti-crimic.
Premier Fiendo Sensation Comics #54 (June 1946) Dr. Fiendo invented a fake “atom-splitting machine” that was touted as emitting a death ray, which he used to have himself installed in the Cabinet in the newly created position of Premier of Peace, then slowly took over the U.S. government with the backing of his Peace Police thugs.
The Bughuman Plague Sensation Comics #55 (July 1946) A microbial society that almost conquered the globe after being enlarged by a reckless experiment conducted by Gerta Von Gunther.
Dr. Novel Sensation Comics #56 (August 1946) With the assistance of his co-conspirator “Dynamite Dan,” Dr. Novel attempted to defraud the U.S. government of billions with his fraudulent “anti-atomic metal,” which he claimed was a light-weight metal that could resist and contain atomic explosions.
Roba Comic Cavalade #16 A girl forced into villainous activities by a criminal gang and taken to Paradise Island, Roba at first aided the criminals but then repented and freed Wonder Woman from a death trap.
Syonide Sensation Comics #57 (September 1946) Psychotic, hatchet-wielding dwarf who believed he was Chief Powhatan and Diana Prince his daughter Pocahontas.
Black Robert Sensation Comics #62 (February 1947) Usurper of the throne of Anglonia, a hidden city-state in the mountains near Palestine of descendants of lost Crusaders, who mistakenly believed Steve Trevor was Prince Hubert, the rightful heir of the throne.
Gell Osey Wonder Woman #22 (March/April 1947) A member of the Holliday Girls whose jealousy led her to becoming an enemy of Wonder Woman.
Lim Snait Sensation Comics #65 (May 1947) Alaskan who murders in order to steal gold claims.
Slick Skeener Sensation Comics #66 (June 1947) Succeeded Crime Brain Doone as leader of the “Sly Fox Mob” in Washington.
King Blotto Sensation Comics #64 (April 1947) King of the Little Cloud People, who have been kidnapping airmen, including Steve Trevor.
Sharkeeta Comic Cavalcade #21 (June/July 1947) Sharkeeta was the leader of a pack of sharks that became humanoid-shark "flying mermaid" hybrids after unauthorized experiments by Paula Von Gunther's daughter Gerta. Sharkeeta seized Queen Hippolyta's magic girdle and was only defeated when Gerta provided the missing human element.
The Purple Priestess Wonder Woman #25 (September/October 1947) Sinestra, former Axis agent, was a cult leader from Zarikan who used a purple gas to brainwash her acolytes into unthinking devotion. Her cult was responsible for a series of murders before Wonder Woman drove them away.
Ironsides Comic Cavalcade #23 (October/November 1947) Brother of Doctor Psycho; a brilliant geologist who used stilts and armor to frighten natives of Wooloo Island into believing iron giants threatened them.
Queen Flamina Sensation Comics #71 (November 1947) Queen of a race of female fire-warriors.
Tigra Tropica
Wonder Woman #26 (November/December 1947) Glamorous wild animal trainer and extortionist; used pack of highly trained tigers; could press nerves behind the ears to induce hypnotic, highly-suggestible states.
King Crystallar Wonder Woman #26 (November/December 1947) King of a race of crystal-people who used his trickery to dupe Wonder Woman into battling his enemies for him.
Badra Comic Cavalcade #25 (February/March 1948) Refugee from the ruined planet of Hator, Badra was a superpowerful thief who could fly faster than light.
Lya Comic Cavalcade #26 (April/May 1948) Daughter of the Duke of Deception, who double-crossed her own father and was a master of lies.
Anti-Electric Comic Cavalcade #27 (June/July 1948) Invents "deactivating electronic generator" which cancels out electric current on nation-wide scale.
Furiosa Sensation Comics #78 (June 1948) Mistress of masquerade and spy ring leader, disguises herself as Steve Trevor in order to steal a formula for using lunar energy.
Mona Menise Wonder Woman #30 (1948) Obsessed with childhood friend Steve Trevor, the murderous wild child daughter of a general; already evil-minded, she gained the power to enslave men with her song when she donned an armband carved from a tree that the siren Parthenope had been transformed into by Aphrodite.
Trixter Wonder Woman #31 (Sept.-Oct. 1948) Leader of criminal racket who claims to be a wizard from the year 1313 and performs feats of "magic" by using mass hypnosis and advanced science to fool the public.
Frenzi Sensation Comics #82 (October 1948) Leads anti-immigrant "America for Americans first" Greenshirt movement, exploiting anxieties about jobless and the economy in a cynical ploy to raise money from his followers.
Prowd and Rata Sensation Comics #83 (November 1948) Prowd, ruler of the city of Elam in a distant future, attempted to subjugate the nation’s women once and for all after an Olympiad, with the aid of Loki, god of evil, and Rata, his spy in the women’s compound Noman.
Duke Daxo Sensation Comics #84 (December 1948) Tyrant who arranged the death of his brother and staged a coup to take over Hummingbird Isle from Queen Sala and Princess Turula.
C.O. Lector Sensation Comics #86 (February 1949) Millionaire collector who attempted to collect Wonder Woman’s bracelets.
Jabez Dexter Sensation Comics #87 (March 1949) Biggest rancher of Old West town Twin Peaks back in 1849, he attempted to thwart a plan to connect the town to train rail in order to avoid exposure of his fraudulent land claims.
Van Kent Sensation Comics #88 (April 1949) Hollywood film producer who tried to thwart a rival director’s success by sabotaging the production of the film Danger Trails.
Abacus Rackeet Sensation Comics #89 (May 1949) Gambling racketeer who attempted to discover the location of Paradise Island in order to mine the bullet-proof Amazonium ore.
Talbot the Great Sensation Comics #93 (Sept.-Oct. 1949) Typical stage magician with a mid-reading schtick who, after injuring his head in a car crash, developed real mind-reading powers, which he used for criminal purposes.
King Midas Wonder Woman #39 (Jan.-Feb. 1950) Self-styled king who wore a crown and lived in a palace, Midas was nothing more than a crook out to steal precious metals and the radium store owned by Holliday College.
Tora Rivvers Wonder Woman #40 (Mar.-Apr. 1950) Millionaire socialite who bankrolled production of the film “Hollywood Goes to Paradise Island” in order to secure the starring role, only to sabotage it in retaliation for being cast as the villainess.
Mr. Breezy Wonder Woman #41 (May–June 1950) Traveling salesman and con artist who tried to take advantage of a mountain town so isolated its residents could not recognize Wonder Woman, who was suffering temporary amnesia and adopted the name Belle Dazzle.
General Virtigo Wonder Woman #42 (July-Aug. 1950) Leader of invasion force from Venus, which caused the entire world to black out for an entire day.
Z-One Wonder Woman #43 (Sept.-Oct. 1950) Master spy with three lieutenants, each of which knew the identity of only one one lieutenant (who included Waldo Nordo, CEO of Ajax Steel, and Derek Waters, staffer at Mammoth Mt. Dam).
The Bayou Killer Wonder Woman #43 (Sept.-Oct. 1950) Globe Trotter hid the death of his insane twin brother Vance and framed him for the murder of his uncle, Col. South. Controlled elephants, but his abusive training of elephant Tuska was overcome by Wonder Woman’s loving care for the animal, which decided against following Trotter’s order to kill her.
Master de Stroyer Wonder Woman #44 (Nov.-Dec. 1950) The Sargasso Sea Kingdom was founded by Princess Althea and her Greek kingdom, along with the Roman raiders who had attempted to enslave them, when they were swept at sea. A supply of rare sea herbs kept them immortal, and they developed advanced technology, including an atmosphere controlling machine intended to prevent more shipwrecks, until Master de Stroyer and his band of Warmongers (among them the lovely Dangeress) took over.
Prof. Turgo Wonder Woman #46 (Mar.-Apr. 1951) Mad genius who invented, among other things, a super magnet and a rocket he used to land on and take over a floating planetoid that entered the solar system and positioned itself between the moon and the Earth. Was later hired by the organization HIVE as part of the Inner Council of seven scientists, all of whom were slain by the HIVE Mistress (who then killed herself) when the Teen Titans defeated their operation.[1]
Prof. Jenkel Wonder Woman #46 (Mar.-Apr. 1951) Criminal mastermind, with a penchant for top hats and capes, hired by the underworld to take out Wonder Woman with a plot that involved circus act the Lane Twins, with Joan and Inez Lane pretending to be Wonder Woman.
Strogo Wonder Woman #52 (Mar.-Apr. 1952) Wizard of the Planet of Thought, where events tended to be telepathically projected out into the universe and embodied in fiction and fairy tales, whose black magic depended on scarce element Xium.
The Changeling Wonder Woman #52 (Mar.-Apr. 1952) Agent of wizard Strogo, the Changeling used black magic fueled by element Xium on the Planet of Thought to change herself into anyone else.
Wonder Woman #268 (June 1980) A master criminal from Europe who specializes in disguises, he was a freelance assassin until persuaded by the Prime Planner's Cartel to join them for even greater profit.
Von Storm All Star Comics 8 Nazi who is partly responsible for Steve Trevor crashing on Paradise Island when he steals a Robot Plane which Trevor pursues. He never appears again.
Prof. Luxo Sensation Comics #101 (Jan.-Feb. 1951) A former opponent thought to have perished in a volcano, Luxo sabotaged an atomic powered ship project and attempted to take over a subatomic world. Rode a flying robot horse in the atom world. Stole element A and used it to combine with the element X abundant in the atom world’s water, creating the unstable element AX.
Queen Helen Sensation Comics #102 (Mar.-Apr. 1951) Descendant of Helen of Troy, Queen Helen ruled over a hidden island nation of the descendants of refugees from ancient Troy who continued to harbor dreams of revenge against the Greeks.
Baron de Boar Sensation Comics #106 (Nov.-Dec. 1951) Last descendant of the medieval Baron de Boar, the modern Baron stole his ancestor’s armor, complete with boars-head helmet, and began stealing all armors ever worn by his ancestor and then rigged them with robot controls to use them in robberies.
Crime Master of Time Wonder Woman #53 (May/June 1952) Tibro, Public Enemy No.1 of the year 2300, enters the 20th Century by becoming a duplicate of a 20th Century person and simultaneously sending that person backwards 1,000 years in time to a slave galley; hunts for a portable hydrogen bomb; funds his search by staging daring robberies.
Termite Queen Wonder Woman #58 (March/April 1953) Central controlling intelligence of a superswarm of sentient mutant termites out to destroy the human world.
Duke Dazam Wonder Woman #59 (May/June 1953) First DC multiversal villain, Duke Dazam was a cruel tyrant on a parallel earth who took that world's Wonder Woman's kingdom, whose rule was toppled by the combined mights of Wonder Woman and that earth's Wonder Woman (for whom the title Princess Tara Terruna translated to mean Wonder Woman).
Human Tank Wonder Woman #63 (Jan. 1954) Bullet-proof thug who donned football gear and robbed banks.
Thought Master Wonder Woman #64 (Feb. 1954) Wonder Woman's "old enemy" the Thought Master was hired by organized crime to use his powerful illusion casting powers to trap her in a world of illusion.
Volcano Prophet Wonder Woman #70 (Nov. 1954) Schemer who claims to be a prophet wandering the world and predicting the eruption of dormant volcanoes in exchange for millions, but who secretly caused the eruptions himself with his technology.
Mirage-Maker Wonder Woman #76 (August 1955) The Mirage-Maker was a scientist who developed a device for projecting illusions into other people's minds, which he used to discredit Wonder Woman by making her falsely believe she was stopping crimes whereas she was really rounding up innocents.
Machino Wonder Woman #80 (February 1956) Machino sought revenge on the Amazon for imprisoning him years earlier by inducing her to fall into a deep sleep and then trapping her in a mask rigged to explode.
Silver Age
Villain First appearance Description
Time Master Wonder Woman #101 (October 1958) Using alias Ty M. Master, creates an amusement park fun house whose mirrored doors lead to different time periods, in order to destroy Wonder Woman. After she vibrates through the doors and catches him, he admits defeat and disappears. Possibly the Time Trapper.
The Gadget-Maker Wonder Woman #103 (January 1959) Inventor of ingenious gadgets that appeared to be harmless toys or household objects but were deadly instruments of murder.
Princess #1,003 Wonder Woman #110 (November 1959) Alien princess, one of 2,785 others and forced constantly into group activities, Princess #1,003 fled to Earth and crash-landed in a jungle, where the natives revered her as the goddess of flame and daughter of the sun god. She wielded a hypnotic flute, paralyzing ray, and other devices from her world, which sent a warrior fleet to threaten the Earth unless it returned the princess.
Queen Mikra Wonder Woman #113 (April 1960) Ancient Egyptian queen 7000 years old who resembles Wonder Woman, mystically revived by her sphinxes of living stone, which only other sphinxes could destroy.
Professor Andro Wonder Woman #116 (August 1960) Time travelling crystalline alien who pops up throughout history to cause disasters and attempted to sabotage a rocket launch using mental force, while using an illusion to disguise himself as the same person.
Image-Maker Wonder Woman #134 (November 1962) Master of the ultra-dimensional Mirror World, who draws Wonder Woman into his dimension and pits her against mirror duplicates of herself as a test of his powers in preparation for an invasion of Earth.
Machine Men Wonder Woman #136 (February 1963) Robotic alien race that attempted to take out Wonder Woman in preparation for an invasion of Earth by using a "giant-fruit-bullet" that contains a "food bullet" that turned Wonder Woman into a super giant who threatened the world's food supply with her ravenous hunger.
The Human Fireworks Wonder Woman #141 (October 1963) An unidentified crook applied chemical experiments to himself and became the Human Fireworks, a malleable energy-generating being who could fly and generate dazzling explosive bursts similar to fireworks.
The Glop Wonder Woman #151 (January 1965) Alien creature, the villain in a tale dreamed by young Diana, which metamorphoses into the form of anything it digests.
Mr. Monster Wonder Woman #155 (July 1965) Prince of an alien spaceship city, he was cursed on his wedding day to become a monster as his bad attitudes increase, although his handsome visage was restored when his attitude became more positive.
Paper Man Wonder Woman #165 (October 1966) Weary, put-upon Horace worked at a chemical plant making special paper of interest to military intelligence when, struck by an act of kindness from Diana Prince, he fell into a vat and was transformed into a flat, sentient paper. He used his power to manipulate his shape, becoming a paper airplane, a ball of paper, and even a blow pipe capable of blowing a hole through a dam, all to steal gifts for the object of his obsession—Lt. Diana Prince.
Crimson Centipede Wonder Woman #169 (March 1967) Another bizarre Kanigher creation, the Crimson Centipede was a super-powerful entity created by the God of War as a foil for Wonder Woman. Staged burglaries to fund widespread criminal enterprises to destabilize Man's World and counter the peaceful influences of Wonder Woman.
Bronze Age
Villain First appearance Description
THEM! Wonder Woman #185 (November 1969) The trio known as THEM! were an all-girl gang of violent New York hippies named Top Hat, Moose Momma, and Pinto. They ruled a certain section of town and terrorized a girl named Cathy Perkins who eventually turned to Wonder Woman for help. Known for their masculine clothing, they had a penchant for beating people and forcing them to wear dog collars.
Dr. Domino Wonder Woman #205 (March–April 1973) Leader of terrorist organization who attacked Morgan Tracy to get his hands on the deadly Bacteria Cloudburst.
The Revenger Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane #136 (January–February 1974) Marcia Roche was an unstable mental patient who once threw herself at Superman and begged him to marry her; obsessed, she escaped and set an elaborate scheme in motion to assassinate Superman's girlfriend, targeting Lois Lane until Superman set up a sham relationship with the next target of the Revenger: Wonder Woman.
Diogenes Diamondopolous Wonder Woman #216 (February–March 1975) Billionaire shipping magnate obsessed with setting foot upon Paradise Island, motivated by the belief that only Wonder Woman was worthy enough to be his mate.
Damon Celestris Wonder Woman #218 (June–July 1975) In his guise as a personal astrologer to prominent public figures, Damon secretly uses a machine called the Mento-Amplifier to extract positive thinking from an unsuspecting source and to then amplify it, channeling the power back into his clients through post hypnotic suggestion, allowing them to fulfill their dreams as 'foretold' by him. Thinking Wonder Woman's powers were interfering with the Mento-Amplifier, he launched a mental attack that tripped her up every time she tried to use her lasso or tiara, not realizing that the great mental power he was tapping into to fuel the Mento-Amplifier was actually Wonder Woman's.
Wade Dazzle Wonder Woman #222 (February/March 1976) Billionaire cartoon and amusement park mogul who sought the secret of Amazon immortality.
Panthea Wonder Woman #224 (June/July 1976) Amazon astronomer eventually driven mad when her bracelets were destroyed, Panthea became obsessed with the invisibility cloak around Paradise Island interfering with her instruments and decided to launch a coup.
Ludwig Von Schmeer World's Finest #244 (April–May 1977) Nazi master of disguise who tried to trick Steve Trevor into delivering a booby-trapped briefcase to Free French Army agent.
Iron Claw World's Finest #245 (June–July 1977) Hooded man with clawed mechanical right arm who worked at Nazi intelligence high command.
Lt. Pierre Marchand Wonder Woman #238 (December 1977) A dashing man calling himself Lt. Pierre Marchand of the Free French Army claimed to be a friend of Etta Candy's brother and wooed her, becoming her fiance, all the while hatching a nefarious plot that was never revealed, because the Wonder Woman book abruptly returned to a modern-day setting. Marchand was presumably a parallel of the Masked Menace—a Nazi spy whose plans involved wooing Etta.
The Bombardier Wonder Woman Spectacular (DC Special Series #9) (1978) American pilot Tom Cole was saved from an explosion by a mystical force, a Voice that charged him with aiding the war effort using powers from a mystical amulet. Cole became a Congressman who was suspicious of Maj. Trevor and Wonder Woman and secretly aided the war effort as the superheroic Bombardier. Unbeknownst to Cole, his amulet was the Disc of Mars, which magnified the experience of warfare to power the War God.
S.C.Y.T.H.E. Wonder Woman #244 (June 1978) S.C.Y.T.H.E. was an anti-government terrorist organization from a European country called Lugwainia. They abducted brilliant aeronautics engineer Robert Selkirk, who'd spent years as a political prisoner in a pseudo Soviet nation before gaining asylum in the U.S. S.C.Y.T.H.E. demanded to exchange Selkirk with their imprisoned leader, Alexander Sorkhan.
The Queen of Darkness Wonder Woman #246 (August 1978) Ruler of an interdimensional hell who was summoned by Mrs. Kobritz, an apparently harmless widow and occult dabbler who lived in Diana Prince's apartment building.
Inversion, the Inside-Out Man Wonder Woman #247 (September 1978) Inversion was a scientist trying to invent a teleporter but was horribly disfigured, with his organs twisted to the outside of his body, after testing it on himself. Mad, he attempted to force Wonder Woman to adapt the JLA satellite's teleporter system to inflict the same state on the rest of the world.
The Dark Commander Wonder Woman #248 (July 1978) Former leader of demon hordes in ancient times, his corpse was found deep underneath New York City by Army Maj. Bradley, who sought the way to revive him and become the Dark Commander's chief lieutenant. Investigating the mysterious Steve Howard, who looked exactly like the dead Steve Trevor, Bradley realized that "Howard" could be a reincarnated Steve Trevor. Bradley kidnaps Trevor and uses his magically-restored life force to restore the Dark Commander, who promptly killed Bradley and siphoned off enough of Trevor's life force that he died a second time.
Warhead Wonder Woman #251 (January 1979) Munitions expert who sells his inventions to the highest bidder—but not before demonstrating the effectiveness of each invention in a heavily populated area. An unknown accident left him a cyborg, with a helmet shaped like a missile. Stopped by Diana and her replacement as Wonder Woman, Orana, from demonstrating his "clean neutron bomb," but not before he killed Orana.
The Bushmaster Wonder Woman #255 (May 1979) Assassin with electrical equipment he uses to induce others to kill for him.
Martin Markham Wonder Woman #259 (September 1979) A New York marketing genius, partner in the firm of Markham, Menditz and Monroe, hired by the god of war in an effort to discredit Wonder Woman and pave the way for his eventual rule over mankind.
Prime Planner and the Cartel Wonder Woman #262 (December 1979) Slowly revealed to be behind a series of assassination attempts on Wonder Woman's life, hiring assassins like the Bushmaster, El Gaucho, Lumberjack, Red Fang, and the Changeling, the Primer Planner was unmasked as Morgan Tracy, Diana's former boss and head of the UN Crisis Bureau. The Cartel was later revealed to have been hired by Kobra.
Gaucho Wonder Woman #263 (January 1980) One of five perfect assassins controlled by a mysterious entity called The Prime Planner. He is a villain who originated from the wild Pampas of South America and dressed in a costume reminiscent of the South American Gauchos. He is equipped with a flying silver robot horse, an electrified lasso, projectiles, and bolas which consist of three balls attached to a long rope, that he throws to his victims.
Perfection Wonder Woman #265 (March 1980) Actually a foe of Wonder Girl, Perfection was really Miss Maple, secretary to Loren Jupiter, who attempted to lure Donna Troy into a trap in order to force her to reveal the secrets of the Amazons.
Red Dragon Wonder Woman #284 (October 1981) Leader of Chinese terrorist organization dedicated to a return to the values of pre-modern feudal China, who paradoxically used advanced technology.
Adjudicator Wonder Woman #291 (May 1982) Powerful alien android who set himself the task of judging the worth of the continued existence of many planets, including Earth; used Four Horseman of Death, Famine, War, and Pestilence in tests of various parallel earths.
Karl Schlagel, "The Knife" Wonder Woman #308 (October 1983) A Nazi scientist obsessed with researching the psychic power of Gypsies, Schlagel was pursued by Nazi hunter Zenna Persik. Schlagel developed machinery that allowed him to wield the psychic powers of Gypsy children hooked up to it.
Eros Wonder Woman #317 (July 1984) The god of love escaped from suspended animation, into which he had been placed for his own good, and obsessively pursued Wonder Woman. It was revealed that Eros' spirit had been used to reanimate Steve Trevor's body and lived as Trevor during his time under the alias "Steve Howard." His madness threatened Paradise Island, leading to the accidental overload of the Purple Ray into a destructive mechanism, until the ray's healing powers removed his memories of his time as Trevor.
Villain First appearance Description
Baron von Nastraed Wonder Woman Special #1 (March 1992) Dictator of Balkan country Pan Balgravia, who sought a metahuman female powerful enough to become the Earth host for the bride of the demon Drax, who in turn used enchantments to make von Nastraed’s troops superstrong and able to move silently.
Central Processor of Death Wonder Woman vol. 2, #74 (May 1993) Brian Elliot was a computer genius who was severely abused by his father but led to believe his mother was responsible. Fused himself with “nearly-living” circuits that briefly gave him electrical powers, until he was nearly slain by the White Magician.
Doomkiller Wonder Woman vol. 2, #77 (August 1993) Oliver Darr was a low-level mobster frustrated at his lowly status in the underworld and Inspector Indelicato’s use of him as a snitch, until he was armed by Ares Buchanan with a gun that created a singularity.
Dreadnought Wonder Woman vol. 2, #85 (April 1994) John Naissi was a thug for the mob looking to rise through the ranks when he accepted a power-up from the White Magician, turning him into a bulletproof werecat.
Salvo Wonder Woman vol. 2, #85 (April 1994) A mob enforcer empowered by the White Magician with the ability to fire energy blasts from his hands.
Rockface Wonder Woman vol. 2, #87 (June 1994) One of the many thugs in Paulie Longo’s organized crime operation powered up by the White Magician, Rockface was covered with a rocky surface and was super-strong.
Plaasma Wonder Woman vol. 2, #87 (June 1994) One of the many thugs in Paulie Longo’s organized crime operation powered up by the White Magician, Plaasma had an elastic body that could generate fire.
Mean Jake Wonder Woman vol. 2, #87 (June 1994) Pimp in Paulie Longo’s organized crime operation, Mean Jake had one hand replaced with a powerful metal claw.
Involute the Conquerer Wonder Woman vol. 2, #97 (May 1995) A south vietnamese war psychopath named Garcia whom has altered strength due to chemical enhancements and/or experimental projects.
The Ichor Wonder Woman vol. 3, #18 (May 2008) An extremely powerful alien race said to be the blood relatives of the gods of a hundred different worlds. The Ichor passed judgment on the Khund and set about destroying their homeworld, committing planet-wide genocide, until Wonder Woman and Etta Candy intervened.


In chronological order (with issue and date of first appearance)

Team First appearance Description
Children of Ares Wonder Woman #2 The Duke of Deception, Earl of Greed, and Lord Conquest attacked Wonder Woman collectively and separately throughout the Golden Age. Deception became a significant recurring enemy into the Silver Age as well, and his daughter Lya also fought Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman #183 (July/August 1969) Ares battled the Amazons and a depowered Diana along with Deimos, Phobos, and Eris for control of the power to conquer all dimensions of reality. This version of the Children of Ares reappeared post-Crisis.
Villainy Inc. Wonder Woman #28 A revolt on Transformation Island led to the team-up and escape of some of Wonder Woman's most dangerous foes: Eviless, the Blue Snowman, the Cheetah, Doctor Poison, Giganta, Hypnota, Queen Clea, and Zara. Villainy, Inc. was the first team of supervillains published in the DCU.
Wonder Woman, vol. 2, #179 When all of Atlantis disappeared, Queen Clea assembled a new Villainy, Inc. to take over Skartaris. This new team consisted of Cyborgirl, Doctor Poison II, Giganta, Jinx, and Trinity.
Academy of Arch-Villains Wonder Woman #141 (October 1963) The Angle Man, Mouse Man, and the Human Fireworks assembled to destroy Wonder Woman.
Children of Cronus Wonder Woman vol. 2, #145 (June 1999) The Titans that empowered Devastation. The roster includes Oblivion, Slaughter, Arc, Disdain, Titan, and Harrier.
The Circle Wonder Woman vol. 3, #14 (January 2008) A circle of four Amazons chosen to be Hippolyta's special guards, Myrto, Charis, Philomela, and Alkyone were imprisoned for years following their misguided plot to save the Amazon nation from a predicted "dragon" by attempting to kill the infant Diana the night after she was given life from clay. They were recently freed when Captain Nazi invaded Paradise Island; wielding magical weapons, they tried again to kill Diana.
The Morrigan Wonder Woman #605 (January 2011) A triumvirate of war-Goddesses who have set their sights on exterminating all of the Amazons.

Enemies created for other media

Wonder Woman villains created in other media, with no appearances in previous or subsequent comics.

Villain Media Actor/Actress
Abner Smith (Wealthy extortionist and terrorist who steals code books with classified information about U.S. spies) Wonder Woman (1974 TV movie) Ricardo Montalbán
Count Cagliostro (Mage who claims to be an alchemist) Wonder Woman (TV series) Dick Gautier
The Falcon (High-priced Irish mercenary who sought to steal scientific research for tectonic manipulation, but unwittingly carried Bubonic plague) Wonder Woman (TV series) Robert Reed
Formicida (An environmentalist who develops the power to control superswarms of ants, using them to destroy skyscrapers and terrorize companies which despoil the environment.) Wonder Woman (TV series) Lorene Yarnell
Gault (Wealthy man whose disembodied brain develops telekinetic powers which he uses in a search for a new body) Wonder Woman (TV series) John Carradine
Hera (Queen of gods, whose jealousy of Aphrodite led her to cause earthquakes threatening Aphrodite's temple on planet Caltos) Super Friends ("Battle of the Gods") ?
Ishida (Powerful telepath with a grudge against Wonder Woman for failing to save his brother in Japan during World War II) Wonder Woman (TV series) Yuki Shimoda
Lord Hades Justice League John Rhys-Davies
Mariposa (Rich, powerful madman who kidnaps Olympic athletes to compete for his fictional country) Wonder Woman (TV series) Henry Gibson
The Skrill (Alien swarm of mindstealing parasites) Wonder Woman (TV series) Various
Solano (Rich, powerful, and deadly terrorist who constructs robot duplicate and commands vast military resources) Wonder Woman (TV series) Fritz Weaver
Syrene (Sorceress who battled Superman and Wonder Woman in her attempt to secure the Globe of Darkness) Superman (TV series) ?

Villains from comics in other media

A number of villains from the comic books have made an appearance, or appearances, in other media featuring Wonder Woman.

Villain Live-Action/Animated Media Actor/Actress
Angle Man Justice League Unlimited Phil LaMarr
Ares [1] Justice League

[2] Wonder Woman (film)

[1] Michael York

[2] Alfred Molina

Cheetah [1] Challenge Of The Super Friends
[2] Justice League
[3] Wonder Woman (film)
[4] Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
[1] Marlene Aragon
[2] Sheryl Lee Ralph
[3] N/A
[4] N/A
Circe Justice League Rachel York
Deimos Wonder Woman (film) John DiMaggio
Doctor Cyber Justice League N/A
Fausta Grables Wonder Woman (TV series) Lynda Day George
Giganta [1] Challenge Of The Super Friends

[2] Justice League
[3] Legends of the Superheroes
[4] Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

[1] Ruth Forman

[2] Jennifer Hale
[3] Aleshia Brevard
[4] Andrea Romano

Baroness Von Gunther Wonder Woman (TV series) Christine Belford
Veronica Cale Wonder Woman Elizabeth Hurley

See also


  1. ^ Tales of the New Teen Titans #47 (October 1984).